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Rambler's Top100

Макс Эрнст

The Gramineous Bicycle Garnished with Bells the Dappled Fire Damps and the Echinoderms Bending the Spine to Look for Caresses. 1920/21. Gouache on print. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA.
74.3 x 99.7 cm

Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг@Mail.ru

The Gramineous Bicycle Garnished with Bells the Dappled Fire Damps and the Echinoderms Bending the Spine to Look for Caresses. 1920/21. Gouache on print. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA. <br> 74.3 x 99.7 cm

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Макс Эрнст

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