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Хосе де Гойя
Фантазия, лишенная разума,производит чудовищ;
соединенная с ним,она - мать искусства и источник его чудес.
Ф. Гойя
Old Beggar with a Maja. 1796-97. Drawing from the Madrid Album (B 6). Chinese ink, wash, 23.4 x 14.5 cm. Bibliotheca Nacional, Madrid, Spain. El ciego trabajador (Diligent Blind Man). 1803-1812. Drawing from Album E. Chinese ink, wash, 24 x 17 cm. Albertina, Vienna, Austria. Capricho 42: Tu que no puedes (You, Who Cannot Do It). 1797-98. Etching and aquatint. 21.7 x 15.1 cm. Capricho 22: Pobrecitas! (Poor Little One!). 1797-98. Etching and aquatint. 21.8 x 15.2 cm. Capricho 13: Estan calientes. 1797-98. Etching and aquatint. 21.8 x 15.4 cm. Capricho 12: A caza de dientes (Out Hunting for Teeth). 1797-98. Etching and aquatint. 21.8 x 15.1 cm. Mascaras de B. Tambien ay mascaras de Borricos Literatos (Masks of B. There are Also Asses Who Put on the Mask of the Literati). 1796-97. Drawing from the Madrid Album ( B.72); Chinese ink, wash, 23.5 x 14.5 cm. Private collection. Brujas a bolar (Witches Ready to Fly). 1796-1797. Drawing from the Madrid Album (B.56); Chinese ink, wash. 23.7 x 15 cm. Private collection. Dona Isabel de Porcel. Oil on canvas, 82 x 54.6 cm. National Gallery, London, UK. Saturn Devouring One of His Chidren. c. 1820-23. Oil on canvas, 146 x 83 cm. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain A Prison Scene. c. 1810-14. Zinc, 42.9 x 31.7 cm. Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, UK The Clothed Maja (La Maja Vestida). 1800-03. Oil on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid The Miracle of St. Anthony. 1798. Fresco. Detail of the decoration of the cupola of the Church of San Antonio de la Florida, Madrid, Spain. The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. (El sueno de la razon produce monstruos). 179. From the series Los Caprichos, plate 43. Etching and aquatint. Girl with a Jug. (Aguadora). Oil on canvas, 68 x 50.5 cm. Szepmuveseti Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary. St. Gregory. c. 1797. Oil on canvas. Museo Romantico, Madrid, Spain. The Yard of Madhouse. 1794. Tinplate. Meadows Museum, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA. Prison Scene. c. 1808-1812. Oil on wood, 31.5 x 40 cm. Мария Тереза Валабриджа.Галлерея Уфици. Италия. Мара Тереза де Борн Валабриджа.Национальная художественная галлерея. Вашингтон St. Francis Borgia Exorsizing. 1788. Oil on canvas. Private collection Desastre de la Guerra, 39; Grande Bazana! Con Muertos! c.1810-1811. Etching and aquatint. Sleep. c. 1800. Oil on canvas, 44.5 x 77 cm. National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. ФРАНЦИСКО ХОСЕ ДЕ ГОЙЯ (1746 -1828)
Маха на балконе. Львовская картинная галлерея. The Nude Maja (La Maja Desnuda). c. 1799-1800. Oil on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain. Desastre de la Guerra 15; Y no hoi remelio (And It Cannot Be Changed). c.1810-1811. Etching and aquatint Senora Sabasa Garcia. c. 1806-1807. Oil on canvas, 71 x 58 cm. The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA. The Bookseller's Wife. c. 1805-08. Oil on canvas, 109.9 x 78.2 cm. The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA.
Jose de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) was born March 30, 1746, in Fuendetodos,
a village in northern Spain. In 1773 he married Josefa Bayeu, sister of Saragossa
artist Francisco Bayeu. The couple had many children, but only one survived
to adulthood. He was elected to the Royal Academy of San Fernando in 1780, named
painter to the king in 1786, and made a court painter in 1789. A serious illness
in 1792 left Goya permanently deaf. Isolated from others by his deafness, he
became increasingly occupied with the fantasies and inventions of his imagination
and with critical and satirical observations of mankind. During the Peninsular
War between 1808 and 1814, Goya painted prominent figures like Ferdinand VII,
Joesph Bonaparte, and the English Duke of Wellingham. In 1824, after the failure
of an attempt to restore liberal government, Goya went into voluntary exile
in France. He settled in Bordeaux, continuing to work until his death there
on April 16, 1828.
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