иллюстрация к Уральским сказам П.П. Бажова
Б., акв., гуашь
Следующая картина: Огневушка-поскакушка
Дата Вступления : 09.12.2018 Комментарии: 1
Using the tour is the best travel and imaginary way for every traveler.
Travel agencies and air companies have created opportunities for people to travel easily by creating tours and recreational, pilgrimage, tourism, cultural and artistic, commercial, sporting, educational, exhibition, medical and other tours.
What services are included in the tours?
Tours services such as: tickets and visas, hotel reservations, travel plans, tour guide, travel insurance, airport transfer to hotel and vice versa, specified patrols and other services (often in the form of travel and air travel agencies between the two countries Origin and destination). Tours are divided into two categories.
1- Group Tours (Packages).
2-Individual tours (open).